Who Is Anastasia?

My photo
New Castle, Indiana Zone 5, United States
When I was 55, I decided to embrace the things I love and hold precious and dear, regardless of anyone else's thoughts and opinion. I am a visual folk artist who loves flowers - my own flowers, grown and/or painted by me. I love good, hearty, exotic foods, and I love to prepare them myself. I love the secret garden situated in my backyard, regardless of how overgrown and wild it gets. No longer able to afford a vacation, this will have to be it for the time being. In the winter months, I still enjoy it. Anyway, here I am sharing my art, favorite recipes, cocktails, gardening tips, and just my usual vents and bantering. After all, I'm old enough to say whatever the heck I want to now ...


My Book Available on AMAZON

January 21, 2018


Because I don't believe in making resolutions, I will not discuss or write about them. Life changes by the moment, and sometimes setting specific rules for one's life is not always practical or remembered, for that matter. A friend messaged me the other day, and mirrored my thoughts, stating, “When you are at an age where writing New Year’s Resolutions seems redundant at best...seeking wisdom seems more beneficial ...so here are some thoughts to take us into 2018...” She attached a copy of “The Rules For Being Human,” believed to originally come from ancient Sanskrit. However, I've seen it re-written and translated in various ways over the years, most notably by Dr. Chérie Carter-Scott. Often the 10th and final rule is omitted. This is my interpretation of these rules:

SIDHARTHA by Stacey Torres
(India Ink on Canvas)
First, you are given a body. Each of us gets one issued to us, and whether we like it or not, it is ours to cherish, protect, nourish and utilize as our temple, chapel, shelter and armor. Treat it with respect as no other in life will.

Second, each of us will be given lessons, and will continue to be presented with lessons throughout our lives. These will come at any given hour each and every day. If we choose to ignore them, that is our own choice and failure. But, if we accept them and learn from them, our choice becomes our triumph. This practice will never cease during our given lives.

Third, we will never fail because we are continuing to learn from our lessons. So, there are no true mistakes; just experiences – both good and bad – and we are responsible from learning from these as well. Stop dwelling on what did not work out, but what you gained from stumbling about and ultimately growing.

Fourth, the lessons that have been given to us will be repeated by us, and presented to us again and again … until we get it right. And then, and only then, will the next lesson be shown to us.

Fifth, we shall NEVER cease to learn lessons – like it or not. The moment we think we have all the knowledge we will need in life, is the moment we begin to die.

Sixth, nothing is better than here … not then nor there; but here. Here is what counts at this moment. We cannot control our past nor our future - Where we've been or where we're going - but where we are - here ...
Seven, everyone else is a mirror of ourselves. Consider that there is no way to hate or love something about someone else unless it truly reflects something you profoundly hate or love about yourself. Think very hard about this one …

Eight, know that everything you do and make of your own life is totally up to you, and you alone. Stop blaming others and circumstances for what you have not done or accomplished. You stopped you from doing so, but you can also take a deep breath and resume the task.

Nine, please trust that every answer to all of your life's questions lie deep within you. Only you can know what they are. Be still. Be silent and listen. Your Creator has placed enough wisdom in you to thrive with knowledge within the body issued to you; and,

Ten, at birth you will forget all of this.

But, in 2018, we can remember these simple lessons, and savor the lives were are granted, in peace, dignity and grace.

Published in The Courier-Times, Dec 31, 2017

The Backyard --Today's Vacation Spot

The Backyard --Today's Vacation Spot
A simple garden meal in the shade. No, it's not my backyard, but it looks identical to the one I grew up with at our home in Queens. Looking for an original pic of it to post soon!